Sonam Jamtsho is a Sr. Instructor at Royal Academy of Performing Arts (RAPA) holding National certificate II & III in Traditional Performing Arts. He initially joined RAPA as a trainee in 1988, an artist in 1989 and then served as a Jr. Instructor in the year 2005. He completed Training of Trainers in Driglam Namzha (Bhutanese etiquette) and Dzongkha Unicode training. Being an expertise in folk dance field, he has participated in several national and international Cultural Programs. Some of the important events are; Enthronement of 69th and 70th Je Khenpo of Bhutan, Royal Wedding of 4th King, Expo 2000, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Zenam (2004), Coronation of His Majesty the King and Royal Wedding (2008 and 2011), Smithsonian Folk life Festival (2008) and Bhutan Week, New Delhi (2018). He also visits all Dzongkhags and teaches folk/classical dances and have interest in documentation of performing arts and chadri (ceremonial setting).