Penjor, Instructor joined the Royal Academy of Performing Arts (RAPA) in 2012. He was an artist and later appointed as a Jr. Instructor at the RAPA. He holds National Certificate II & III in Traditional Preforming Arts. He underwent trainings in Driglam Namzha (Bhutanese etiquette) and Dzongkha Unicode training. He has participated in several national and international Cultural Programs which, some of the remarkable events are Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel Zenam at Punakha (2013 -2015), Coronation of His Majesty the King and Smithsonian Folk life Festival (2008) and Bhutan Week, New Delhi (2018). He occasionally visits all Dzongkhags and imparts mask dances for Tshechu (festival). Besides, he is also expert in carpentry, tailoring, crafting musical instrument, designing costumes, painting, Chadri (ceremonial setting) and as well as setting sound and lights.