Having joined civil service in 2002 as a trainee teacher, Mr. Rinzin Namgyel started his career as a science teacher in Pemagatshel Middle Secondary school and later as Lecturer in Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. He moved to National Museum of Bhutan as Chemist in 2011. Attached to a senior and experienced professional, he learned about practical aspect of conservation science in his initial years in the museum. Over the years, he has attended conservation courses under ICCROM and NRICH, Korea. He firmly believes that Prevention is better than cure, and is a strong proponent of preventive conservation that is being practiced in the museum. He researches on the various deteriorating agents that affects the artefacts in the museum and strives to find solutions. He has Masters Degree in Chemistry(Inorganic) from Department of Chemistry, Pune University, Maharashtra, India.

Email id: rinzin75nam@gmail.com