The village of Nobgang has been identified as an important cultural site due to its historical and cultural significance. The unique design of house locally known as Kabu-Dharcham is one of the significances of Nobgang village. The Stewardship plan for protection and management of Nobgang village as a cultural site was initiated under the benevolent guidance and patronage of Her Majesty Gyalyum Tshering Yangdoen Wangchuck with a vision “a vibrant and self-sustained Nobgang community”. The Stewardship plan for protection and management of cultural site is being instituted for the first time in the country and the Stewardship plan for Nobgang will be the pilot program primarily aiming towards community engagement for protection and management of heritage sites.
This project is aimed to develop a culturally- and context-sensitive community while at the same time, creating economic opportunities to improve the livelihood of the villagers and also address the issue of rural-urban migration. One of main objective of the project is to enhance the local economy by using cultural resources through establishment of community owned enterprises and development of products.
An old Kabu-Dharcham house which is shown in the old picture taken by JC white in 1905 (which also featured in the book “The Raven Crown) has been acquired. The house has undergone changes over the period and the Department of Culture restored the old Kabu-Dharcham house to its original form and rehabilitated it as a traditional restaurant
The restaurant will be managed by the community. Out of the 27 households in Nobgang, 9 household has been registered a cooperative group known “Nobgang Tsherim Group” and this group will be managing the restaurant.
The restaurant was opened on 2nd October, 2021 as a soft launch of the Stewarship Plan for Nobgang. The ceremony was graced by Her Majesty Gyalyum Tshering Yangdoen Wangchuck with other members of the Royal Family.
Ezzay Nyergum and maekhu of Nobgang are two most popular product of Nobgang and the project is working towards developing these two as an important product of Nobgang and accordingly, promote it in the market. Thus, ezzay nyergum was launched on 2nd October as commercial product to be sold in the market. The project is also working on branding Nobgang as a must for any visitor and a logo has been developed to promote Nobgang as a brand of Bhutan. The logo was also launched on 2nd October, 2021 coinciding with opening of the restaurant.