Phuntsho Wangmo (PhD)

Phuntsho Wangmo (PhD) is an Engineer of Division for Conservation of Heritage Sites since 2013. She received her PhD in research and advance studies in design and architecture (Rammed Earth Structure) from Nagoya City University, Japan in 2021.  She has experience as a project engineer for construction of National Conservation Laboratory, executed departmentally by Department of Culture. She also has extensive research experience for improving seismic resilience of traditional structures (rammed earth and stone masonry) some of which are published in international journals. She is listed as the Technical Core Group member in developing guideline for “Windstorm Resilient Roofing System” and “Improved Seismic Resilient Construction Techniques for Rammed Earth Structures in Bhutan”.  She gave training on “Seismic Resilient Design and Construction of Traditional Rammed Earth Building” attended by engineers and architects of twenty dzongkhags. Her research interest includes site investigations, structural safety assessment, repair and strengthening of historical and traditional buildings. She aspires to institute the first ever Research Institute for Traditional Structures (RITS) in the country.

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Phuntsho Wangmo (PhD)

| Deputy Executive Engineer

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