On the auspicious date of the 20th day of the 5th lunar month of Iron Ox Year, corresponding to 29th June 2021, the National Library and Archives, Department of Culture, inaugurated a museum, launched three books and video documentary on Traditional Print Heritage. The inauguration and launching ceremony was graced by His Eminence Tsugla Lopon Rinpoche of the Zhung Dratshang. Present in the inauguration ceremony were the Director of the Directorate Services, MoCHA, Director of the Department of Culture, former Directors of National Library and Archives and Division Heads of DoC.
The museum set up, preparation of video documentary and book research were carried out under the generous funding support of the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany through German Bhutan Himalaya Society, Bon, Germany with the main aim of contributing to the twin goals of promotion and preservation of the traditional print heritage for posterity.
The books titles on print heritage include 1) Written Scripts and Calligraphies of Bhutan: Origins and Evolution in the Buddhist Himalaya and 2) Druk gyi Drichun and Partrun Lamsol with its English translation titled “Writing and Print Culture of Bhutan”.
Coinciding with this event, National Library and Archives also launched a book titled, “Festivals of Bumthang Dzongkhag”. This volume focuses on religious and folk festivals constituting tshechu, chodpa, kuchod, rabney, yakchod, yaklhai, kangsol, mani, and mewang – a range of festivals constituted of beliefs, legends, stories, ballads, and faith, all practiced in the four valleys of Bumthang: Choekhor, Tang, Chume and Ura. A total of twenty-two festivals were researched and documented. Each festival is, to the best extent possible, explained in detail including its location, community background, preparatory arrangements, daily proceedings, unique components, and challenges to its survival.